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BIRZNIEKU hard cheese

A mild, cream-coloured cheese with a distinct nutty flavour and a dark-brown edible rind. It has a distinctive caramel aftertaste and the fresh grass aroma typical of Latvian milk. It is great in cheese platters combined with toasted hazelnuts, crispy sourdough bread, whipped butter. The caramel notes go well with crisp fruit wines, white tea, and freshly roasted Brazilian coffee.
Category: Milk and dairy products (including goat and sheep milk products)
Recipe creator and year: Inga Āriņa-Vilne, 2020
Origin: Locally produced milk, matured with a natural washed rind, which is edible, matured on wooden shelves for at least 18 months.
Craftsperson: Inga Āriņa-Vilne
Product available in: Stockmann, Gemoss, SOIRA shop in Ādaži, top Latvian restaurants
Average price: 30 euros/kg
