Taste the products of "Forever Living Products" made from aloe vera and other natural ingredients

At the "Medbaltica 2023" exhibition, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with and taste the products of the US company "Forever Living" made from aloe vera (Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller) and other natural ingredients.

These include:
• natural personal hygiene products – dental cleaning gel without fluoride, deodorants without aluminum salts and other products with aloe vera as the main ingredient;
• a skin care product that also contains aloe vera as its main ingredient.
• natural nutritional supplements - including AGRI+ with L-arginine (Nobel Prize in Medicine 1998. Dr. Ferid Murad received the Nobel Prize for the result of the miracle molecule L-arginine).

Aloe Barbadensis Miller. The use of aloe vera can be traced back 6,000 years to early Egypt, known as the "plant of immortality". Aloe vera has been renowned for its natural emollient, healing and moisturizing properties for centuries. Through science, innovation and the dedication of our research and development team, Forever Living Products can bring you the best of Aloe Vera.

In 1978, Rex Maughan, the company’s founder, CEO and president of Forever Living Products,(FLP) invited close family and friends to the first FLP meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, where he presented an exclusive plan to bring people health, wellness and beauty products. The company is vertically integrated to create the highest quality.

Today, FLP is the world’s largest Aloe Vera and bee product manufacturing company. The company owns 85% of all the world’s Aloe Vera cultivation plantations.
FLP controls all stages of product creation. All products are characterized by natural quality and purity.
Forever Living’s regional distribution centers are located in the United States and the Netherlands, from where products are shipped to more than 168 countries worldwide.

lena219@inbox.lv solvita.m@inbox.lv dacegiela@inbox.lv
