Katalogs - RIGA FOOD 2022

Pékmester Biscuits Ltd.

Our target are primarly people with food intolerances, vegans and those who pay attention to a healthier lifestyle. Services: worldwide distribution, private label, contract manufactoring, product development.

Stends: C14/D15
Valsts:  Ungārija

Pékmester Biscuits Ltd. and its subsidiary Baker Street Ltd. operate as a family business with decades-long history next to Lake Balaton in Hungary. The premium and gluten-free biscuits are made in two separate plants.


location_on H-8174 Balatonkenese, Fo ut 21-23.
link new.katicapekseg.hu/
email export@katicapekseg.hu
phone +36703680789
person Petra Németh

Preču zīmes
Katie & Baker (premium biscuits) FreeScuits (gluten free and vegan biscuits)

2.92 Veselības pārtika

2.96 Funkcionālā pārtika

2.98 Halal produkti

2.99 Veģetārie produkti

2.100 Bezglutēna pārtika

5.16 Cepti produkti

8.9 Cepumi

8.11 Cepumi un smalkmaizītes

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