8. – 9. jūnijā
Starptautiskā suņu un kaķu izstāde

Par izstādi

Aizraujoši suņu paraugdemonstrējumi, šovi un izdevīgi pirkumi – tas viss starptautiskajā šķirnes suņu un kaķu izstādē „Latvijas uzvarētājs”.


The Latvian Central Club of St. Bernards

All the dogs in our club are like Beethoven from the popular movie and even better! St. Bernards are even-tempered, heavy and right-minded; they have a lot of self-respect. Due to their highly developed senses these dogs can find people trapped in avalanches and rescuers in the Alps use these dogs for this purpose even today. A little smaller, but also exciting are the Leonbergers that have recently joined our club. As our dogs are rather big, they are only suitable for living in an open space – farmsteads and private houses. Owners of block apartments and bungalows should really consider another breed.

More: http://www.sanbernari.lv/


Dalībnieku ziņas

The Latvian Central Club of St. Bernards

All the dogs in our club are like Beethoven from the popular movie and even better! St. Bernards are even-tempered, heavy and right-minded; they have a lot of self-respect. Due to their highly developed senses these dogs can find people trapped in avalanches and rescuers in the Alps use these dogs for this purpose even today. A little smaller, but also exciting are the Leonbergers that have recently joined our club. As our dogs are rather big, they are only suitable for living in an open space – farmsteads and private houses. Owners of block apartments and bungalows should really consider another breed.

More: http://www.sanbernari.lv/


Suņu klubu ziņas

The Latvian Central Club of St. Bernards

All the dogs in our club are like Beethoven from the popular movie and even better! St. Bernards are even-tempered, heavy and right-minded; they have a lot of self-respect. Due to their highly developed senses these dogs can find people trapped in avalanches and rescuers in the Alps use these dogs for this purpose even today. A little smaller, but also exciting are the Leonbergers that have recently joined our club. As our dogs are rather big, they are only suitable for living in an open space – farmsteads and private houses. Owners of block apartments and bungalows should really consider another breed.

More: http://www.sanbernari.lv/




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Latvijas Kinoloģiskā federācija LKF ir noslēgusi 15.12.2022.g. līgumu Nr. SKV-TL-2022/71 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma "Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana" ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālas attīstības fonds

“Latvijas uzvarētājs” iesaka

ZooExpo 2024
PetExpo 2025